When we presented they agreed the prisoners dilemma wouldn't work with our game play style, but still gave us some valid points that we would like to move forward with. We knew however we really needed to go to the drawing board and work with the players. After this week we have realized the three we have now plus a points system a charge system wouldn't all work together and we had to figure out what we wanted with the game. During the next 3 days we all needed figured out what we saw the game to be this way when we had the meeting we had 4 views of the same game and we could figure out which parts each person kept and start throwing out ideas none thought necessary. First to go was the extra point system. We had no use for it, and it didn't really do anything yet. We had purchase power-ups coming up soon based on class type, but it was more of something we thought wasn't necessary at all. We also took out power-ups too. We than moved forward and realized that the neutral guy seemed to had the short straw and didn't fit in. This is when we realized the the Brute and the Savior were directly opposing each other, but needed each other to work. This is when we changed the game from a survivor to a challenge based game.
We figured each role should have a different goal to win. This being the Brute now instead of pushing wants to short out peoples suit and make their charge 0. The savior wants people that their suits have hit 0 and wants to give them a charge of some sort that brings them back into the game. So we worked on two more people that had a similar relationship, they do the opposite yet they help each other be able to do their task more often. So we came with a sponge and a shield. The sponge works like a leech it gets close to an opponent and steals charge from them, and the shield would be able to shield a player and in return take some of the charge lost that the player would be dealt while the shield was on him at a fraction of what would be done to them. This we felt worked in a similar way as the others and together all 4 roles helped and hurt each other. This game us a strong learning outcome which was "In a competitive world we all have our own goals and self interests. However, working together and depending on one another is what allows us to reach those goals" With this we had a very good feeling for our game and wanted to present our new two character types and see what the class liked. I went ahead and dealt with the background of the game which was platforms and traps. Using the skeleton code I created two traps a shock trap that shorts your suit for a semi- random time, and in effect a burning trap that decreased your charge at a constant rate while you sit on it. Also I worked with recharging, by grabbing charge from all platforms. This allows players to keep getting more charge while running around the map. When a platform is drained it changes from gray to black. This will force players to run around the whole map to keep grabbing charge instead of staying on one side which would reduce the length they could stay alive.
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